Valencia 852


Valencia 852 is the 820mm wide black frameless glass door version of our beautiful new cast iron range from Spain. This fireplace is large and formidable, adding a sense of presence in any home. Weighing a massive 170 kg this pure cast iron unit is equipped with an external convectional cover and has 2 built in fans. When the temperature of the cast iron gets sufficiently hot, the fan automatically activates and starts blowing the heated air into the room, thus circulating produced heat into far reaching corners. One can select to have the hot air blow from the top of the fireplace into the room, or alternatively it can be ducted into one or two nearby areas. This unit also comes standard with a 50mm trim around the face, which makes it easy for installation.
Additional Specifications:
Frameless black glass door
Weight: 170kg
2 x Fans
11.5kw – 17kw; 76% Efficiency
Primary & Secondary Air control
Double Combustion
Glass Cleaning System (airwash)
Chimney Damper
Dimesions WxDxH = 820mm x 529mm x 584mm
Cover (trim) Included

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