Stove-pro magnetic thermometer



The Stove-Pro flue thermometer fits on to any flue pipe. The thermometer allows you to monitor and regulate the temperature of your wood burning stove. By measuring the flue gas temperatures inside the flue pipe you can then regulate your ideal burn rate. This will help you avoid damaging the internal stove parts such as the baffle plate, grate and fire bricks, and maximises the lifespan of your stove by avoiding damage to the stove body. You’ll also save on wood consumption. It attaches magnetically to single-walled enamel and steel flue pipes. On stainless steel flue pipes, a stainless steel rivet or safety screw may be used to mount the thermometer to the flue by drilling a hole into the pipe. It’s best placement is 30cm above the top of the stove. Inefficient: Firing below the ideal temperature results in you not getting the most energy from your wood. Smoke and creosote will build-up within your flue pipe and chimney, and your fireplace glass will blacken more quickly. The build-up of creosote inside the flue can affect the temperature reading substantially, so an annual chimney sweep is recommended. Best operation: Efficient operation of your fireplace lies between 110 degrees and 250 degrees Celsius. Here the fuel is burned most efficiently and these are the best temperatures for encouraging ‘secondary and tertiary burn’, which extract the most ‘energy’ from your wood. Too hot/ ‘over firing’: The quickest and easiest way to prematurely damage your stove is by ‘over firing’. To ‘over fire’ your stove is to run it too hot. Firing above ideal temperatures results in wood wastage and damage to your closed combustion fireplace. Prolonged and continued burning within this range will damage your stove’s internal parts prematurely and you will also damage the body of the stove in time. Evidence of ‘over-firing’ will invalidate your warranty.